NFL reaches new collective bargaining agreement with NFL Referees Association through 2025 season

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The NFL and the NFL Referees A sociating reached a seven-year collective bargaining agreement Sheldrick Redwine Jersey , Saturday morning. The agreement, that will run through May 31, 2026, was unanimously approved by the NFLRA Board of Directors and ratified by a vote of NFLRA membership. The previous deal was set to expire in May of 2020."This agreement solidifies the working partnership between the league and officials toward the common goal of developing and training the best officials in the world," NFL executive vice president of football operations Troy Vincent said Chris Hubbard Jersey in a statement. "We will continue working together to provide fans, players and coaches with officiating performance that meets the highest standards demanded by the game.""It was a Greg Joseph Jersey mutual and cooperative effort that took over a year and a half, and the outcome is seven years of certainty for the league and our officials," added NFLRA executive director Scott Green. "We appreciate Troy Vincent and his staff for recognizing that working together to find solutions is the best course of action to reach a long-term Ray-Ray Armstrong Jersey agreement."NFLRA president Tony Steratore, who is in the midst of his 20th season as an NFL official, also discu sed the significance of the new agreement. The NFL-NFLRA Baker Mayfield Jersey CBA, according to the league's operations page, covers "compensation and benefits i sues and emphasizes efforts to train and develop world-cla s officials." "We see this new CBA as a partnership with the league that benefits our membership but also seeks to make our game better Olivier Vernon Jersey ," Steratore. "We all must keep pace with the speed and skill of the players, not to mention the increased use of technology. It is good to get these negotiations behind us."
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